My dog was sick,please help me?

2009-09-02 7:43 pm
My dog like to take a nap.don't play with me.He is the bad dog.What can I do?

My dog wouldn't play with me that the bad dog

回答 (5)

2009-09-02 8:17 pm
Your question makes no sense.
2009-09-02 7:52 pm
take him to the vet
參考: common sense
2009-09-02 7:49 pm
start spending more time with him, and give him treats.
2009-09-02 7:48 pm
You can leave the poor dog alone, get off the computer and do your homework.
2009-09-02 7:48 pm
I don't understand the question.

Are you asking why your dog won't play with you?
Why is he a bad dog?

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