”help me to do” vs ”help me do

2009-09-03 3:46 am
"help me to do" vs "help me do"有咩分別
to係唔係加唔加都得? 加左同無加有咩分別

回答 (3)

2009-09-03 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
*** "help me to do" vs "help me do"***
He helped me do my homework.= He helped me to do my homework.
"To" is optional, so there is no difference between them.
He helped me (to) do my homework. ( It may mean he did it for me.)

He helped me WITH my homework. (It means he taught me how to do my homework.)
Let me show you two more examples.
He helped me(to) fix my TV. ( He fixed my TV for me all by himself.)

He helped me (to) talk to Mr. Brown. ( He was the one who talked to Mr. Brown for me.)
In some situations, "to" is needed in the sentence when we talk about something with the verb"help".
1) The children helped themselves TO the food.
"to" CANNOT be taken away.<==============
Also, I can help you. = I can help you out. ( More American)
"help" can be followed by another verb as well.

The pills help kill the pain. They help kill the pain. = They help you kill the pain. They help you to kill the pain.

A Day for Two Flags - Worlds United -
Being teenage girls, it didn't take long for us to start asking about name ... It helps "broaden our horizons" I guess you could say and overall, I think if ...
blog.washingtonpost.com/ worldsunited/ 2007/07/a_day_for_two_flags.html - Cached
"help" can be followed by a gerund.
I cannot help laughing. ( I cannot control myself. I am just laughing.)
I cannot help thinking about you. ( I cannot control myself. I think about you all the time.)

2009-09-03 4:09 am
2009-09-03 3:53 am
"Help me do" is correct.

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