
2009-09-02 5:12 am
新的手袋樣辦以按你的要求而改動, 樣辦會於下星期初付給你, 附件是新的報價單, 因有改動而成本上升, 故新的報價要稍為上升. 請見諒

回答 (3)

2009-09-03 1:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir,

With refer to your request, we had modify the design of the handbag. For this, inevitablely, the cost will increase a little bit in line with the change of the design.

Attached please find the revised quotation. The modified sample handbag will be send out at the early of next week by courier/speed post.

If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at.....

Best Regards
2009-09-02 4:57 pm
Re : S#12345 Hangbag Style and Cost Revisions
Please note following following particulars :
1. Revised sample being sent early nex week ;
2. In fact there's an up-charge on relative changements concerned and, therefore a new cost was priced and enclosed hereof for your additional evalution ;
Please comment upon receipt.
Your understandings are highly appreciated.
2009-09-02 5:24 am
The new handbag style has been changed as you requested. Sample will be send to you send next week. We will also include the quotation; the new quotation has been adjusted due to inflation. Thank you

好少用請見諒, 貴左貴就.

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