
2009-09-02 1:10 am
眾所周知當兩個source的距離or最大程差(d<波長)時.是沒有相長和相消的事情發生,但是為什麼 我們還常常說 s=(入D/d) 當d越少 s=(fringe separation) 就越大呢?難道小過波長時都得??百思不得其解~

physics8801 你好串播,不過都答得幾好,希望你可以答多d我既物理問題

回答 (1)

2009-09-06 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you have misinterpreted that meaning of symbols used in the equation.
In the quoted equation: s=(入D/d)
s is the fringe separation, 入 is the wavelength of light used, D is the separation between the slits and screen, and d is the separation between the two slits, which act as two coherent light sources.
When the sources (or slits) separation is less than the wavelength of light, diffraction effect is dominant such that the two sources are indistinguishable and which can be treated as a single source.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:30:56
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