
2009-09-01 10:08 pm
因為是臨時起議的 加上這州資訊很少

我們查好到Minneapolis的機票 也在tripadvisor查了幾間旅館
但不知道從機場到旅館有沒有地鐵 還是只能坐計程車到處跑><
總之 希望能在旅遊與交通方便下給些建議

回答 (2)

2009-09-02 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為是臨時起議的 加上這州資訊很少

我們查好到Minneapolis的機票 也在tripadvisor查了幾間旅館
但不知道從機場到旅館有沒有地鐵 還是只能坐計程車到處跑><
總之 希望能在旅遊與交通方便下給些建議

版大:不知道你喜歡(玩)什麼?如果單純Twins City旅遊,一出機場請搭電車(minneapolis唯一一線電車、 DownTown~AirPort經過America Mall)所以你可以先前往America Mall去逛街購物(最少消耗半天~一天時間)!至於你住的飯店要有電車經過(可能很難)!大部分公共交通還是(公車)方便, Twins City分兩邊:一邊是St.Paul那邊是州政府所在,現在可以到密西西比河邊公園走走、或是游船河(沿著密西西比河南下,一日~數日都有),也可以去動物園、各大學校區瀏覽(介於St.Paul跟Minneapolis之間)至於minneapolis這邊,機場電車直達市中心,你可以在市區逛街,晚上夜店(知名樂團Prince開設)常常有當今熱門演唱團體表演!或是到UP Town走走(年輕人聚集所在地、喝酒聊天、劇場表演)。戶外活動;TwinsCity周邊環繞到處都是大大小小的天然湖景公園,散步、騎腳踏車、打高爾夫等等!或是到郊區Minnetonka Lake搭遊艇、你也可以參加當地華人旅行社,到北方Duluth港去一日或是二日遊覽Superior Lake吃海鮮、逛逛博物館等等。當然如果你是冬天才來,還可以去滑雪囉!
參考: 住minneapolis
2009-09-02 12:39 pm
If you are staying at the hotel near the airport, you can sometimes get the hotel shuttle to the hotel.

If you are staying in downtown Minneapolis, taking a bus wouldn't that bad. Some of the sights are even within walking distance. You can even take a trolly to the Lake Harriet, etc.

2009-09-02 04:39:43 補充:
If you are staying anywhere outside of downtown, taking a taxi would be more convenient.

Light Rail Train isn't that convenient and is more time consuming.

2009-09-02 04:44:38 補充:
Sorry. Typos.

If you are staying in downtown Minneapolis, taking a bus wouldn't be that bad.
You can even take a trolly to Lake Harriet, etc.

The hotel shuttle goes between the airport and the hotel.

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