O electronic affinity

2009-08-31 10:11 pm
why the 1st electronic affinity of oxygen is exothermic
but the radius of O-1 is smaller than O??

I think that the 1st E.A of O is exothermic which means the electrons
is attracted with stronger nuclear force, so electron cloud is pulled
inwards,so the radius must become smaller than O.

what misconception have i made..?? plx help me.

回答 (1)

2009-08-31 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The 1st electron affinity of oxygen is exothermic, but the radius of O- (ionic radius 0.176 nm) is greater (surely NOT smaller) than that of O atom (atomic radius 0.06 nm).

The 1st electron affinity of oxygen:
O(g) + e- → O-(g)
The attraction between the incoming electron and the nucleus is exothermic, while the repulsion between the incoming electron and the original electrons are endothermic. Since the attraction between the incoming electron and the nucleus outweighs the repulsion between the incoming electron and the original electrons, the 1st electron affinity of oxygen is thus exothermic.

The radius of O- ion is greater than that of O atom. This is because more electrons share the nuclear attractions in O- electron than in the O atom, and O- ion has a greater repulsion between electrons as O- ion has more electrons than O atom.

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