
2009-08-31 2:19 am

回答 (6)

2009-09-06 10:25 pm
An interesting plot.There are cartoons, which deals with some small experiments in life, and finally also summarizes after the experiment are generated, but also the principle of humorous! will keep readers native knowledge.Since it's colorful and fun so that readers have been like in the sea of scientific knowledge for readers to navigate and more like science.
參考: me
2009-09-05 7:05 pm
Plot vivid interesting. Also has the cartoon, what inside says is in some life small experiment, after finally also summarized the experiment, produces phenomenon principle, moreover is also very humorous! Will let the reader with ease learn the knowledge. As a result of it rich interesting, causes the reader to like in the scientific knowledge sea roaming through, lets the reader like the science more and more.
2009-08-31 9:44 pm

Lively and interesting plot. There are comic books, which talked about some of life's little experiment, and finally summed up the experiment are generated as the principle, but also kinda humor! Allow readers to easily learn the knowledge. Because of its wealth of interesting, so that the reader has been like traveling the ocean of scientific knowledge to give readers more and more like science.
2009-08-31 7:34 pm
Lively and interesting plot. There are comic books, which talked about some of life's little experiment, and finally summed up the experiment are generated as the principle, but also kinda humor! Would provide readers with an easy to learn the knowledge. Because of its wealth of interesting, so that the reader always loved the ocean of scientific knowledge in the surf, so that the reader more and more like science.
參考: google
2009-08-31 3:51 am
Lively and interesting plot. There are comic books, which talked about some of life's little experiment, and finally summed up the experiment are generated as the principle, but also kinda humor! Allow readers to easily learn the knowledge. Because of its wealth of interesting, so that the reader has been like traveling the ocean of scientific knowledge to give readers more and more like science.
參考: Google
2009-08-31 2:28 am
Plot vivid interesting. Also has the cartoon, what inside says is in some life small experiment, after finally also summarized the experiment, produces phenomenon principle, moreover is also very humorous! Will let the reader with ease learn the knowledge. As a result of it rich interesting, causes the reader to like in the scientific knowledge sea roaming through, lets the reader like the science more and more.
參考: me

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