煮雜丸~please help me~

2009-08-30 11:58 pm


回答 (2)

2009-09-02 3:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
我幫你找到這個網站有教整『咖哩四寶丸』。你有興趣的話,可 click 來看看:
咖哩四寶丸 (Variety meat balls with curry sauce)
材料 Ingredients
紅字代表有資料提供, 請按下去
(Click the red word to see more detail)

1- 牛, 豬, 炸魚, 魚丸1磅左右 (1 lbs of beef, pork, fried fish, fish balls)

2- 中型洋蔥1個, 去衣切件 (1 medium onion, peeled, cut into pieces)

3- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp of minced garlic)

4- 青椒半個, 切件 (1/2 green pepper, cut into pieces)

汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 咖哩醬2湯匙 (2 tbsp of curry sauce)

2- 生抽1/2茶匙 (1/2 tsp of soya sauce)

3- 水1/4杯 (1/4 cup of water)

4- 辣椒油1/2茶匙 (1/2 tsp of chili oil)

5- 糖1/3茶匙 (1/3 tsp of sugar)

做法 Steps

1- 快火落1茶匙油起鑊, 先落咖哩醬和蒜茸炒至金黃, 加入洋蔥連1/3茶匙鹽炒至軟身(圖1)

2- 加入4丸兜勻(圖2), 加入青椒汁料煮滾(圖3), 蓋頂大火炆5分鐘 (圖4), 上碟即成

1- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat. Stir fry garlic with curry sauce until it is golden and fragrant. Stir fry the onion with 1/3 tsp of salt until soft (fig.1).

2- Stir in the meat balls and mix it well (fig.2). Stir in the green pepper and sauce mix, and heat it through (fig.3). Cover and simmer for 5 minutes (fig.4). Dish it up and serve it hot.
貼士 Tips

1- 肉丸其實本身已經熟, 所以不用煮太耐
2- 汁料要杰一點就要加生粉水
3- 按這裡查看 "有關烹調術語" 的解釋

2009-08-31 12:07 am
參考: myself

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