
2009-08-30 3:58 am
一句英文句子必須具備svo,但係遇上例如: I want to sleep的情況,


同埋一句句子唔可以有兩個verb,但係我想問I want to sleep的情

況時,want 及 sleep都係verb,但係句子又成立,我想問係唔係想一


回答 (4)

2009-08-31 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Above answers are good & in details. I just want to say: I want to sleep is correct but not a complete sentence.
English speaking people would never say like that, such as:
I ate dinner, I look movie, I want to sleep.... etc., you should say:
I had my dinner at home.
I watched the movie with my brother John.
I want to get some sleep. or: I am very sleepy

參考: self
2009-09-01 12:03 pm
It is perfectly fine with your simple sentence of "I want to sleep". It is short and you have made your point that you are sleepy. Sometimes you just don't need an object to create a complete sentence but the way you said might trigger some readers to ask you "why". It is a fine sentence but you still have a lot of rooms to make it better.

Hope this help!
2009-08-30 7:02 am
I am happy
He came
再回到你的句子,I want to sleep,這句子的句型不錯是SVO
而to sleep是不定詞(to-infinitive),在這句作為受詞(object)
To know oneself is very difficult.
They ceased to laugh.

再者,並不是一句句子只有一個動詞,就像complex sentence和compound sentence,因為是由兩句子句組成,故可以有兩個動詞


2009-09-07 14:40:16 補充:
003所講不可一概而論 ,就如
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(英文版) ,在breakfast條下,就有一例

I never eat breakfast.
可見eat breakfast, eat lunch, eat dinner同是外國人用語

2009-08-30 4:27 am
句子唔一定有object既, 所以 "i want to sleep" is ok

yes, each sentence can only have 1 verb, but u can put "to" in front of the 2nd verb, or make the 2nd verb in the form of "ing":

e.g i like sleeping (i like to sleep), i like shopping (i like to shop)...

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