
2009-08-30 2:23 am

回答 (4)

2009-08-31 3:18 am

The Christian God, similarly, is the highest order above all things created by Him. Aristotelian Christians often think God as the prime mover, (comparing with the Confucian 天行健). One of the main purposes of human beings on earth is 'to know God', (comparing with 知天命). Also, God created human beings according to His own nature, (comparing with 天命之谓性).

1. God is similar to 'Tian' for both are the highest order of all things.
2. God and 'Tian' ultimately cause all things and events.
3. Human beings are to know God and 'Tian' during their living days.
參考: Myself
2009-08-31 12:07 am
中國的「天」存在著多重意義 , 舉一個例子 , 中國傳統迷信思想的「天」是指神佛 , 但從儒家角度出發 , 「天」可指是人民 , 古時帝王相信帝王者 , 必是天命所歸 , 因此伐紂只知討伐 , 未聞弒君。這表示天命等於民心 , 「天」某程度上是指人民。另外 , 「天」可指自然 , 我們常說「天人合一」最表面的解釋便是與自然合一。

而西方的「神」 , 其宗教色彩較重 , 如基督、天主教中的「神」是指天父、耶穌基督。

相對而言 , 個人認為西方的「神」詮釋上較中國的「天」簡單、清晰。
參考: 個人陋見
2009-08-30 3:03 am
中國的天是指天空= ="而不是神啦...
2009-08-30 2:27 am
參考: 自己思想

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