
2009-08-29 6:56 pm
我地部門係9月21日會中秋節食飯, 但地點未定, 公司要我出個e-mail呀>< 但我英文太差, 想大家幫幫忙呀!~~但有少少要求, 就係個e-mail要friendly d, 唔駛太formal, 希望大家幫幫忙啦

回答 (2)

2009-08-31 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in 21 September, 2009, our department will organize a dinner gathering on that day. Please mark your diary to come to this grand gathering and to share our happiness in this big event. Details of the gathering will be announced later. Thanks.
2009-08-29 9:33 pm
You are welcome to join the Mid-Autumn Festival party on 21st September for our department while the place will be announced later.
參考: myself

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