
2009-08-29 5:09 pm
I have quitted my job for several months and am still looking for a new job.

結構及時式是否正確 ?

回答 (4)

2009-08-29 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To quit your job is considered to be a short action.
I would suggest that you'd stick to the simple past tense.
You can say something like that in different ways.
Here are some for you:
-I quit/quitted my job several months ago and now I am still looking for a new job/ now I am still job-hunting.
-I have been jobless/unemployed since I quit/quitted my job several months ago. Now I am still looking for a new job.
-Having quit/quitted my job, I am still looking for a new job/one/
I have been looking for a new one/ seeking new job opportunites/job-hunting.
( It doesn't show when you quit/quitted it tho.)
It is incorrect to talk about short actions with the present perfect tense.
Here are a couple of solid examples:
1. I have left China for a few months. <--------Mistake
" To leave China" is a short action, therefore it is wrong to use the present perfect tense.
To fix this sentence, we may try to change some words or the tense.
1.1 I have been AWAY(ad) from China for a few months.
I left China a few months ago.
2. My father has died for two years. <---- ( same as above)
2.1 It has been two years since my father died.
My father died two years ago.
I can tell your English is very good, bloke.
I am certain that you know what I am saying here.
Hope that helps.

Bye ^_^

2009-08-30 3:04 pm
你辭職是幾個月前發生的事,而且一遞辭職信便已辭了職,辭職後的幾個月是失業,而不是幾個月來一直在辭職。所以無須用 present perfect tense且上半句亦要修改。
2009-08-29 7:05 pm
i had quitted my job for several months and i'm looking for a new job will better.
參考: me
2009-08-29 5:15 pm
I have quitted my job for several months and am still looking for a new job.

I have quitted my job for several months and still looking for a new job.<<

2009-08-29 09:42:03 補充:

2009-08-29 13:03:31 補充:
002 answerd it very accurately

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