evaluate: (4)^5/2 algebra II?

2009-08-28 7:31 pm

回答 (9)

2009-08-28 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is the same as

(sqrt(4))^5 = 2^5 = 2*2*2*2*2=8*4=32
2016-10-07 12:31 am
purely plug in the x. somewhat the fee potential the style if destructive is now helpful in the previous u do the multiplication. Then upload. until I did some thing incorrect with out my calculator in hand. i could say the respond is 8.
2009-08-28 7:42 pm
Imagine that it is 4^(1/2) and then all of that raised to the 5. Same thing right? Since when you raise a power to a power you multiply and 1/2 times 5 is 5/2.

Now, raising to the 1/2 power is the same as square rooting. So 4^1/2 is the same as root 4. Which is 2. 2 to the 5th power is 2*2*2*2*2 or 4*4*2 or 16*2 or 32! Yay!
2009-08-28 7:40 pm
= (2^2)^ 5/2
2009-08-28 7:38 pm
參考: calculator
2009-08-28 7:36 pm
= (2^2)^(5/2)
= 2^(2 * 5/2)
= 2^5
= 32
2009-08-28 7:35 pm
2009-08-28 7:35 pm
2009-08-28 7:35 pm

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