Please tell me how to declare a String variable to be used to append 8 unique random numbers?

2009-08-28 8:42 am

回答 (3)

2009-08-28 9:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you mean you have a string and want to add 8 characters TO the existing string?Or, do you have an array and want to add elements to the array, each with a set of 8 random numbers? Let's go for appending 8 random number characters as that is easier to run through than the array...



randomize 'initialize the random number generator

x = 0

for y=1 to 8

x=random(len(a$)) 'select a random number from 0 to length of a$

a$=s$=s$+substr(a$,x,1) ' append the number character

next y

print s$ ' print the 8 character number string


Is this the kind of thing you wish to do? Note that in this example, single digits CAN repeat within the string.
2016-05-28 6:50 pm
Two ways to define string in c language. 1) character array char name[20]; 2) pointer of character char name*;
2009-08-28 8:54 am
you should specify the programming language u r using c++, Java, so on

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