the final Harry Potter movie?

2009-08-28 6:56 am
why Harry save Draco

回答 (6)

2009-08-30 3:31 pm
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You may have noticed Harry was a good guy. Even when he found out what Peter Pettigrew did, he didn't let anyone kill him, because he didn't want his father's best friends to become murderers. Also, even in the fight, he never used any spells other than expelliarmus. Not forgetting when Bellatrix killed Sirius, he only used crucio. He didn't try to kill her, just hurt her. Harry realised Draco was only doing it because he didn't want his family to die, so there must have been some sense of goodness within him and he was now scared of Voldemort. Even though Harry didn't like Draco, he did not wish death on him, because he was terrified and he was trying to protect his parents. And I guess Harry realised that Draco had been brought up badly and he would have all those wrong views. Yes, they could not be friends again after because too much had been said, but Harry did not wish death on him.
2009-08-29 4:42 pm
Because Harry is a good guy. And also, he can tell that Draco was first working for Voldmort because he was proud. However, after, Harry saw Draco knew that he would die if he left. Although Harry hates Draco, he realizes that Draco's life is at stake because of his parents stupid choices. It's not his fault the way he his, so he chooses to save Draco, to give him a new life after the war is over.
2009-08-28 6:36 pm
Harry's always had to be "the hero"
He always risks his neck to save people, even if they're his school yeard enemy.
& I think Draco and Harry both understood that Draco, deep down, never was really evil and wish the death eaters. Draco loved his family and that was the only reason he hung around with them, to save his fathers _ss basically.
2014-07-07 9:03 pm
Bc their secretly inlove
2009-08-29 5:55 pm
harry is a very kind soul... if you notice, he never actually "kills" anyone throughout the whole series (he used 'expelliarums' on voldemort). he saved peter pettigrew too... it's just who he is.
2009-08-28 2:51 pm
"no idea"

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