If you were the boss ...commissioner (MLB)?

2009-08-28 1:28 am
and you could change anything about baseball ( and no one could stop you not even the players union)

what would the 2010 new season look like ...make as many changes as you fell is necessary

like this one To pass pitching to a batter, both the pitcher and catcher points to the batter, then to first base, verbally declaring the intent to pass this batter.

回答 (12)

2009-08-28 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Allow for a challenge by the manager, video review by the umpires.
2) No more arguments between the managers and the umpires. Automatic 5 game suspension without pay for the managers.
3) Counts will be even. 3 strikes, 3 balls.
4) To pass pitching to a batter, both the pitcher and catcher points to the batter, then to first base, verbally declaring the intent to pass this batter.
5) Unlimited substitutions as to who is batting, fielding, etc.
6) No more running out the throw at first base. If you overrun the bases at second or third, and your tagged, your out. If you run passed first base down the line to beat the throw, you could be pursued and tagged out.
7) All batters are allowed one time extension. If the batter needs another one, too bad. Get ready for the pitch or look like a fool.
8) Pay scales are to be determined by what place the teams finishes. This is a team sport, team salaries will be unified. No more crybabies complaining they are only making 25 million dollars a year.
9) As well as players, the owners will only generate a allowable salary for themselves, based on team performance. Make the game affordable again for everyone.
2009-08-28 1:39 am
First order of business would be letting Pete Rose back in the game. He deserves to be in baseball, and he deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

Of course, I'd push for much more testing for steroids/PEDs, as well as stricter penalties for those who test positive. 1st test: 1 year ban. 2nd test: lifetime ban. No 3 strikes, you're out here...

I'd like to see the season started earlier in the year, so that weather doesn't play as big of a factor late in the year when the playoffs and World Series are going on in late October.

And please, get rid how home field advantage is established. The way the All Star team is picked isn't fair, and the midsummer classic shouldn't determine home field advantage. Go with best overall record, or alternate every other year between the NL and AL or something. Anything is better than the way it is now.
2009-08-28 7:16 am
1. Eliminate the DH, and encourage it's elimination from the college and high school game as well. Maybe if pitchers grew up being expected to hit, they wouldn't look so pathetic at the plate.
2. Eliminate the home field advantage from the All Star game. I'd go back to the way it used to be - simply alternate years between the AL and NL getting the advantage. (Best record still wold not always be accurate - for example, with the AL being the better league right now, a 95-67 record in the AL might be more impressive than a team in the NL winning 100 games. Particularly if the AL team plays in a tough division, like the East)
3. Change the structure of the umpires in the major and minor leagues. Make ALL umpires in both MLB and the affiliated minor leagues employees of MLB. That way, if an umpire is not cutting it on the major league level, he could simply be moved down to AAA and another umpire brought up to take his place. Some sort of grading system needs to be put in place - those umpires who grade higher should get regular pay raises, and be assigned to the post season, and those who grade out lower should be sent down to the minors. In other words, the umpires should be held responsible for performing well in the same manner as players are. Also, I would strongly encourage the umpires to call the strike zone as indicated in the rule book. Sorry, but a ball that misses the plate by 3 inches is NEVER a strike, regardless of who the umpire is. The fact that different umpires have different strike zones is ridiculous - there is no room for interpretation here. The zone is clearly defined in the rule book, and should be called that way and not subject to the whims of an umpire on a given night. If they can't call it according to the rules, they should not be at the major league level.
4. Pass a rule that states that NO World Series game can have a scheduled start time of later than 7:30 Eastern time. I'm sorry if that means the folks on the West Coast may not see the beginning, but I;d rather see that than see folks in the East not see the end of the game. And I find it particularly sad that kids can't stay up to see the end of these games.
5. Put a time limit on time between half innings, and stick to it for both regular season and post season games. There is no reason for there to be 3 minutes of commercials between half innings. If it means you have to take a little less money for the rights, then do it. There is no reason for a 9 inning, 3-2 ballgame to take 3 1/2 hours to play. (When I was a kid, it was fairly common for games to be over in less than 2 hours)
6. Pass a rule requiring all team to show at least 40 games per season on regular broadcast TV. While I realize a good number of people have cable nowadays, you are missing too many potential fans when games are only available on cable or satellite.
7. Bring back true doubleheaders. This could cut back on the length of the season somewhat - each team playing them even only on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, and a handful of Sundays could eliminate a full week from the season. Perhaps then we wouldn't see so many World Series games played in 40 degree weather.
8. Play ALL weekend playoff games during the day. Again, I realize that you may be competing with the NFL on Sunday afternoon, but I'd rather see that than see a game played until midnight.
9. Dramatically change the punishment for users of banned substances. First time offenders would be suspended for a full year. Also, the player's contract would be immediately void. Perhaps if a player faced the possibility of a $100 million contract being declared void rather than only losing roughly one third of his yearly salary, he would be a little more careful. Also, I would not allow teams to replace that player on the roster. (I would put a limit on this - maybe 3 players at a time per team) Again, maybe a team having to play one player short for a full season might give the teams more incentive to watch what their players put in their bodies. During that year, i would not allow the player to participate in ANY team activities - no batting practice, no going down to the minors, no spring training - no contact with the team at all. And if a player tries to get around it by playing in Japan or in an independent league, I would simply extend his suspension from MLB. A year in Japan adds a year to the suspension.
Also, in the drug testing vein, I would push for blood tests to be done for the presence of HGH. Currently, it can not be detected in a urine sample.
10. I'd pass a league edict prohibiting Joe Buck and Tim McCarver from ever entering an MLB broadcast booth again. And I'd strongly request that they take Joe Morgan with them.
2009-08-28 1:44 am
1. ASG is just for fun, and the team with the best record gets the home field advantage
2. No throwback uniform night, most of the uniforms that are considered throwback aren't used anymore because they are awful anyway
3. The Houston Astros have to get rid of that stupid hill and flagpole in the middle of the outfield--it's dangerous.

This is all I can really think of that I wanna change right now...
2016-10-06 10:53 pm
properly who ever knew and nevertheless is conscious with reference to the Steroids and who're taking them they could fix the concern . it relatively is not helping substantial Baseball , the gamers are doing greater advantageous numbers yet at what fee. The followers like myself do not p.c. that crap interior the recreation i admire. have been focusing on the gamers greater because of the fact they're people who're playing yet the two factors play a factor and since the beginning up what they have been doing and for some it got here back and bit them interior the @ss
2009-08-28 1:34 am
one change i would make would be the all star game is just a game .. and i would allow up to 3 re enters in the game .. the winning team would get a bigger bonus. as for home field advantage for playoffs and World Series .. it will go to the team with the better record
2009-08-28 2:37 am
1) Make teams return to their throw-back unis. They are the best ever. Just admit it.
2) Strict penalties for biased umpires. Also, one challenge by a manager to see if a ball was a strike, an out was really an out, etc..
3) Get rid of the ground-rule double for fan interference. Make it a single and move on. It wasn't a natural ground-rule double; it was humanly manipulated.
4) Get rid of Maple bats. They are to dangerous to bat with. Go back to Ash.
2009-08-28 1:41 am
The Umpires.
2009-08-28 4:32 am
1. Instant replays on outs and homeruns
2. Stricter testing on steroids, and stricter rules. 1st time caught- 50 game suspension 2nd time caught - full season suspension. 3rd time caught- for sure 2 seasons or more (depending on the player) and a possible life time ban.
3. eliminate the DH in the A.L.
4. Put a salary cap on.
5. I would say every field has to be at least 330 feet to every field eliminating parks like New Yankee Stadium.
2009-08-28 2:11 am
Bring back the real baseball players from the Babe Ruth era and the Lou Gehrig era, Mickey Mantle, Honus Wagner, Ty Cobb, Walter Johnson, just to name a few and none of this stupid steroid crap!

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