Red colour stool and tummy pain?

2009-08-28 1:01 am
I discovered a part of 1 of my stool has appeared red colour 2 weeks ago, now I also have pain at bottom-right of my tummy where the appendix is. Went to the doctor, she took some blood sample and I also sent some stool samples away for test. Results has not come back yet, but I am very worry. I am only 21. Do I have some serious bowel problem like bowel cancer?

回答 (8)

2009-08-28 11:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Probably not - if you had bowel cancer your stools would be more likely to be black. Red can indicate bleeding in the digestive tract - most likely at the lower end but if only part of one stool was red and you haven't had any others then I don't think you need to worry.
2009-08-28 1:10 am
Bloody stool means that there's some sort of injury or disorder located somewhere in your digestive tract. The closer the source of bleeding is to the anus, the brighter red the blood will be. If the bloody stool is bright red, then it could be due to hemorrhoids or anal fissures. The causes of bloody stool that is more maroon in color is intestinal polyps, inflammatory bowel disease or diverticulosis (diverticulosis causes significant bleeding).

Other causes of blood in stools are, aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications and, polyps (small growths) and cancerous tumors (malignant growths of tissue).
Diagnosis is by ultrasound abdomen. In some cases sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy may be needed.

Pls consult a physician/gastroenterologist to find out the confirmatory diagnosis as treatment will depend on the same.
I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
2009-08-28 9:26 am
Please be aware that sometimes a red-coloured stool can be the result of something that you have eaten e.g. beetroot or red berries, and nothing any more sinister!
2009-08-28 1:19 am
Obviously the doctor will tell you for sure, or send you to a specialist.

In order to try and reassure you I will tell you this there could be many things that are wrong with you, not cancer, some serious, some not, many treatable.

Relax until you have the results from your doctor: Next time ask her these questions before you leave, its her job, and for your own state of well being.

Refer to My Name
2016-04-09 2:36 am
Sometimes you have this before getting your period, because you indicated its only been a week? Because if it was blood, your poop would be black or really dark....write down the color and make sure you note down when it started and address those concerns with your mom/dad/older sibling and go for a check-up at the DOC. He/she will find out and a jiffy if its anything to worry about, so until then relax and drink plenty of fluids and make sure you write down any other symptoms your feeling and tell them to the DOC too. Even if it doesn't seem like anything, tell him anyway. The more information, the easier to find the problem and begin the "feeling better", back on your feet again, I mean if you're worried about your health or anything, its important to communicate that with a parent, friend, teacher, Doctor, older sibling, cousin, aunt or even your grandparents :) Just communicate it and don't keep inward, tell the whole world!! Kind of like what your doing now. :) Oh and if your bum hole area is raw or hurts, apply Vaseline, it should help :) Good Luck and Have a nice summer girl.
2009-08-28 8:23 am
you need cheering up...come to mummy.
2009-08-28 1:13 am
i am not a doctor sure its not bowel cancer please try and stay calm i know its ok for me to say but i am sure you will be ok.
2009-08-28 1:13 am
The likelihood of your having any sort of gastrointestinal cancer is small. You probably have an infestation of worms from a dog, like hookworm or toxocara canis, the latter of which can migrate to other parts of your body, like the eyes, brain, heart, kidneys, and liver.

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