主題: 用電話頸繩要小心 (中譯英)

2009-08-28 5:08 am
請翻譯以下句子, 謝謝!!
用電話頸繩真係要好小心! 我有個朋友一次去打邊爐,
一時不慎將電話浸咗落煲湯底到, 噤個電話就玩完啦!

我自己的版本: Be careful with your cellphone if you're wearing it with a neck strap!! A friend of mine went to a hot pot dinner and carelessly dipped his phone into the boiling soup. Then, the fate of the phone is: game over!! 要小心的重點: 只係用電話頸繩的"時候"要好小心. 重點始終係個"電話".

回答 (6)

2009-08-28 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
We must be very careful with mobile phone necklaces! A friend of mine carelessly got his phone dipped into his steamboat. His phone turned an immediate write-off!

2009-08-28 11:15:19 補充:
Come to think of it, "mobile phone neck string" seems a better translation of 電話頸繩. Credit to Annyinchan!
參考: just trying
2009-08-28 9:05 pm
你好! 龍嘯萬里

多謝關心! 幸好沒有.
2009-08-28 6:52 pm
有沒有爆炸 ? ^^
2009-08-28 11:52 am
You have to be really careful when using the mobile phone neck strings. Once my friend went to the hotpot, and dropped the phone into the soup by accident. Then the phone is not functioning anymore.
2009-08-28 6:23 am
We should use mobile phone necklaces with great care. A friend of mine carelessly dipped his phone necklace into the bottom of the hot pot, the phone was a total loss instantly.

2009-09-01 21:39:08 補充:
My fast sentence may be a bit too formal, the emphasis is not enough.

Something like 貓貓可愛份子 's first line may do.

e.g. Be very careful with mobile phone necklaces!
參考: myself
2009-08-28 5:18 am
We should use the phone necklace very carefully.
Once, I went to eat hot pot with my friend .
However my friend is very careless, he/ she dump the phone down to the bottom of the pot. So that the phone is game over !
參考: ME

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