
2009-08-28 4:17 am
1)When a number is either corrected to 2 sig. fig. or3 sig. fig.,the results are the same. write down the no.
2)suggest 2 ways of factorizing x^6-y^6.

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2009-08-28 6:00 am
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1)When a number is either corrected to 2 sig. fig. or3 sig. fig.,the results are the same. write down the no.
1203 is such a number.
Corrected to 2 or 3 significant digits, the number is rounded off to 1200.
Another example is 75973 which will be rounded to 76000
2)suggest 2 ways of factorizing x6 – y6
First way : x6 – y6
= (x3)2 – (y3)2
= (x3 + y3)(x3 – y3)
= (x + y)(x2 – xy + y2)(x – y)(x2 + xy + y2)
Second way : x6 – y6
= (x2)3 – (y2)3
= (x2 – y2)(x4 + x2y2 + y4)
= (x – y)(x + y)[x4 + 2x2y2 + y4 – x2y2]
= (x – y)(x + y)[(x2 + y2)2 – (xy)2]
= (x – y)(x + y)[(x2 + xy + y2)(x2 – xy + y2) final result is the same
2009-08-28 4:49 am

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