(20點) ”賴死唔走” 英文點講?

2009-08-27 10:33 pm
請問 "賴死唔走" 英文點講?

回答 (5)

2009-09-05 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
賴死唔走 - 背後一定有個希望才硬要留在原地等待, 無意離開, 直至滿足希望為止。
To stay behind without intention to leave until the wish is fulfilled.

2009-09-11 08:51:36 補充:
hfchan 所提意見中肯, 想法比我來得更全面, 有從兩個角度對「賴死唔走」這句作分析!
2009-09-06 11:21 am
Overstaying?? 逾期逗留,賴死唔走?
2009-09-02 4:53 pm
本人認為「賴死」有「有意的」或「存心的」的意思。廣東話亦有「專登」的意思。所以覺得用intentional, on purpose, deliberately是會較為接近。另「賴死」亦有「繼續」的意思。
「唔走」可直譯not leaving, not ot leave 。
not to leave intentionally
not leaving on purpose
not leaving deliberately
to continue to stay intentionally
2009-08-28 1:11 am
unwilling to go/leave
reluctant to go/leave
don't want to go/leave
insist on staying there
參考: me
2009-09-11 1:16 am
我覺得 mancheung 翻譯得最精境, 令我有以下進一步的想法.

其實, 所謂 "賴死唔走", 我有兩種的理解.

1) "賴死唔走" = 指"某人的存在是極不受歡迎"

一方面, 這番話是投訴一個不想見到的人硬要在自己視線範圍內出現, (有負面意思的), 令人生厭 (即是"篤眼篤鼻"), 指某人的存在是極不受歡迎.

另一方面係由決定逗留下來的人的心態出發. 明知自己不受歡迎, 都決意留低, 必定有一些非完成不可的事要去處理. 不過自己要做的事可能係正面的, 但純綷在別人眼中是負面的.

2009-09-10 17:38:20 補充:
"賴死唔走" = stay behind (especially in somebody's sight) as an unwelcome person (knowingly or unknowingly)

一種係明知, 另一種係不自知.

e.g. Joyce said she doesn't want to see you any more. Do you want to stay behind as an unwelcome guy? 你仲想"賴死唔走"?

2009-09-10 17:39:01 補充:
2) "賴死唔走" = 指 "某人再留低都無結果"

e.g. 你在賭場輸了身上所有的錢, 但仍然呆坐著而不離開. 你的朋友想勸你離開時, 就可能這樣講:

You've already lost all the money you brought here. Do you still want to stay behind in vain (徒勞無功)? 你仲想"賴死唔走"?

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