
2009-08-27 7:00 pm
高齡犬抗氧配方-[AvoDerm-USA] or
高齡犬天然配方-[Diamond Naturals-USA] or
抗敏減肥薯魚配方-[Solid Gold]


solid gold ingrident as below http://www.solidgoldhealth.com/products/showproduct.php?id=6&code=160 其實我有養開狗,對狗糧都famlier的,只係老狗糧未contact過,想ask user比意見,呢幾隻糧的ingrident都check過無問題的,係邊隻fit啲同邊隻好味啲就唔知…… sollidgold問題係淡,我比屋企另一隻狗食佢真係totally無興趣,所以先有其他brand嘅出現,因為compare brandname應該solid gold比較好,我想take個balance


其實就係因為知佢而家食嘅唔健康先想同佢轉,不過佢而家已經唔係食好多糧,驚轉左直頭唔食,咁就唔知點算,所以好頭痛。因為就咁睇website真係唔知個grade去到邊,而wdj入面又唔多覺on list而唔太貴嘅老狗糧……

回答 (2)

2009-08-28 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
This web site has explains most of the theory of dog food.
Have a look

含 Menadione 維生素 K3 有害物質的天然狗糧:

1st choice
AvoDerm (部份產品)
Back to Basic
Natural Life
Pinnacle (部份產品)
Pronature (加拿大狗糧)
Show Bound Naturals

In this case, you might need to look at the AvoDerm product again. To double check.

好咀鵰嘅. easy to be treat.
when your dog required 300g daily of dry food. you have to offer 2 meals per day. that s 150 g per meal. Offer it same times on everyday. e.g. one in 12noon, other one is 9p.m. If your dog not finishing it or even don't eat. within 15 mins. take it away. Only feed the designed time and amount. No snack in bewteen, you would see the result in 5 days. Thats works on my fussy eater as well. The reason they don't eat is they are not hungry. but we think dry food is tasteless for them, so we usually offer something more tasty than dry food. thats make them have an option to choose what to eat which is not good.

Diamond Naturals-USA VS Solid Gold

Since I can't see the ingredients of Solid gold. Hardly can make a compare.
The web site I gave you. Have a good look. They explain terms such as. meat meal, poutly-by-product, etc.
Diamond Naturals has boths in their indredient.
But not sure about the Solid gold. If Solid gold is not state clearly, I would recommand to go for Diamond, at least you know what are you feeding.

You must help your dog to correct its eating habit. That s not good for him if he keeping doing this ( fussy with food) Since it has skin problem which is a long term of work.

2009-08-28 10:12:39 補充:
Thank you for the web site, I have been there before however the details are not good enough, don't know what garding of food is Solid gold using. Answer 002 is right, get packs of sample. And try to use the method I told, That s really worked on most of the dog.

2009-08-28 10:16:18 補充:
I know solid gold is not strong flavour but do you want your dog to have too much flavouring in the food?
參考: , Barn's, Barn's
2009-08-28 5:40 pm
Diamond唔係太好,之前曾經有回收狗糧問題出現過,所以不宜冒險,而其餘兩隻狗糧,AvoDerm含有Menadione(Vitamin K3),所以都係麻麻地,而且價錢比較偏貴。至於Solid Gold,呢隻狗糧都ok,不過比較淡味,好多狗狗都唔鍾意食,你最好都係攞d狗糧sample俾狗狗試下,如果買左一大包佢唔食你就麻煩了。

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