How to avoid heavy traffic on San Diego freeway?

2009-08-26 9:32 pm
I've been driving for about two years and yet I still have a phobia of driving on freeway. However this semester I'm taking classes at Mesa College so I have to drive on 163 and 15 back and forth.
On the first day of class the traffic was soooo bad and people kept cutting lanes agressively that I was scared even though my brother was sitting by my side. But he wont be able to accompany me to the school because of time basically I have no choice but to drive (haven't met any friends at this campus yet so can't carpool)

Is there any specific time of the day where the traffic is not busy so I can dirve more confidently?
BTW, if anyone has tips on finding a parking spot in Mesa College please let me know! The parking is horrible in Mesa....I couldn't find a parking spot on the first day of school....fortunately my bro dropped me off that day otherwise I just don't know what to do.

回答 (1)

2009-08-26 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3am everything is cool

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