Tung Chung to Wan Chai

2009-08-27 5:39 am
Could anyone tell me how long does it take to travel from Tung Chung to Wan Chai by MTR?

really appreciate your help.

回答 (4)

2009-08-28 1:24 am
Tung Chung to Wan Chai :

Please board the Tung Chung line towards Hong Kong train and exit

at Hong Kong Station . Then , follow the instructions to Central

station and board the Island line towards Chain Wan train and exit at

Wan Chai station . The details are as follows :

Travelling time : More or around 45 minutes

Octopus Card fare :

Adult - $ 18.0
Concessionary and Student - $ 9.0

Single ticket fare :

Adult - $ 20.5
Concessionary - $ 10.0
For Student , please pay $ 20.5 for an Adult ticket

東涌 往 灣仔 :

請乘搭 東涌綫 往 香港方向的列車前往 香港站 下車 ,

依指示步行前往 中環站 轉乘 港島綫 往 柴灣方向的列車 ,

到 灣仔站 下車 . 詳細資料如下 :

全程時間 : 約 / 多於 45 分鐘

八達通車資 :

成人 - $ 18.0
特惠 / 學生 - $ 9.0

單程票車資 :

成人 - $ 20.5
特惠 - $ 10.0
學生請付 $ 20.5 購買成人車票 .
2009-08-27 8:46 pm
Search Result

Travelling times and fare information Route with the shortest travelling time
Tung Chung→ Hong Kong --> Central → Wan Chai
Time in minutes 40 minutes

Standard Class Fare Card
Type Octopus Single Journey Ticket
Adult $18.0 $20.5

sionary $9.0 $10.0

Student $9.0 -

Walking time :6 mins
Waiting time:2x2=4 mins

Together 50mins

車程及車費資料 最短乘車時間 40 分鐘
最短乘車時間之路綫 東涌→ 香港→ 灣仔

類別 八達通 單程票
成人 $18.0 $20.5

特惠 $9.0 $10.0

學生 $9.0 -
2009-08-27 7:01 am
At least 40 mins(not included the waiting times and walking times)
Fee:$18/$9(for Octopus)
$20.5/$10(for single ride tickets)
Hope above information can help you!
參考: mtr
2009-08-27 6:50 am
Appprox. 45 minutes

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