
2009-08-26 6:15 pm
我的右邊陰唇生了一粒好似暗瘡既野, 初初都係痛, 之後佢又好似暗瘡咁可以"之"d濃出來 "之"完之後好好多, 不過唔夠1日 左邊又生多幾粒出來, 右邊果粒又開始腫腫地
我好驚呀 呢d係咪花柳呀@@? 我係未有性病呀
不過我性伴侶得我男朋友一個炸 我亦到絕對相信佢唔會對唔住我架

回答 (2)

2009-08-27 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
2009-08-26 6:21 pm
this is not a sexual disease, i'm nurse in hospital, there are so many girl same as u, this is only some glands problems, that means abscess, some can relief by itself, but some may need incision and drainage (operation). If it is persistent enlarged, u can try an antibiotics treatment. For example: ampicillin and cloxicillin.
i hope i can help u la!!!
參考: hospital nurse

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