
2009-08-26 11:34 am
例如依家無啦啦有一個外國人打黎話「hi john」


回答 (4)

2009-08-26 12:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I would like to tell you that you won't have to tell the caller
your real name. God knows if he or she is a wicked person.

All you have to do is to tell that person he has dialed the wrong number politely.

Excuse me! There is no one living/working here called "John".
I am afraid(that) you've dialed the wrong number, sir/Miss/madam.
2009-08-26 6:27 pm
This is Michael and not John, trusted you had the wrong
這是最 '英文' 化的說法
參考: self
2009-08-26 4:34 pm
Micheal Jackson here, sorry you've got the wrong number..... i love you haha wacko.
2009-08-26 11:54 am
This is Michael, there is nobody by the name John here. I think you dialed the wrong number.

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