急急急 .. 關於chem既

2009-08-26 5:03 am
the comparison of the properties between covalent compounds and ionic compounds, i.e. m.p., b.p., conductivity.

回答 (2)

2009-08-26 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
For covalent ones:
1-mp/bp: similar
2-conductivity: no
3-solubility:some of them soluble in organic solvent
4-bonding: covalent bond between each atom (some's a giant network structure,like C14)
5-components: non metal elements

For ionic ones:
2-conductivity : electrical when dissloved in solvent
3-solubility: soluble in water and some,either inorganic solvent
4-bonding: ionic bond between each atom to form giant ionic structure
5-components: non metal elements and metal elements
參考: me
2009-08-26 8:40 am
(1)simple molecular structure
 -mp low,bp low
(2)giant molecular structure
 -mp/bp high

mp/bp high
conductivity=0 if solid;only conduct electricity in molten/aqueous state
參考: me

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