Kneel to / Kneel down ???

2009-08-25 11:58 pm
what is the difference between Kneel to / Kneel down ???

If I want to say : He (kneel to) the ground and pick it up.

He (kneel down) and pick it up.

Which sentence is right?

回答 (2)

2009-08-26 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

He kneels to the ground to pick it up. (present )
He knelt to the ground to pick it up. (past)
He kneels down to pick it up. (present)
He knelt down to pick it up.(past)

You do not need to use"and" in the sentences.
If you really want to use" and", try the following

He knelt to the ground/ knelt down and picked it up.

knelt picked<--- past tense
He kneels down and picks it up.

kneels picks <----------present tense

2009-09-07 20:48:29 補充:
I have no idea how people vote on Yahoo!

He kneels down and pick it up.” 及 “He kneels to the ground and pick it up.


He= third person singular He kneels down and "PICKS" it up.<---
2009-08-26 4:32 am

“Kneel” 為動詞 (verb) ; 意思為 「跪」,多與 “down” 相配,意即 「跪下」,如 “He kneels down and pick it up.” 的意思為「他跪下並把它(應指物件)拾起」。

如用 “kneel to”,應指「向某事物跪下」,如 “kneel to the Sun”,意即「向著太陽下跪」。 “He kneels to the ground and pick it up” 也就是「他向著地下跪下,並把它(應指物件)拾起。」

總結而言, “kneel down” 後面不需要名詞連貫,也可說是「不及物」的性質,只單表達「下跪」的意思;而 “kneel to” 的後面則需要一個事物,來指示「下跪的方向」。因此, “He kneels down.” 是完整句子,而 “He kneels to” 則不是,修正後的例子為 “He kneels to the ground.” 這句子相比 “He kneels down.” 提供了多些資料。

“He kneels down and pick it up.” 及 “He kneels to the ground and pick it up” 均正確,但意思上有少許不同。
參考: Internet Search

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