
2009-08-25 8:46 am
今天哥不小心開車壓到狗狗的腳,有些外傷比較嚴重的就是他的匍掀起來。馬上我們有用中藥幫牠擦,又買了消炎藥給牠吃。之後有比較好些他已經可以嘗試腳落地,但還很疼痛的樣子他無法正常走路。請問,我們幫牠擦藥,給牠吃消炎藥這樣子是可行的嗎?(因為當下太忙碌沒有車子可以送他至獸醫那治療,所以自行處理。)請問牠的匍會癒合嗎? 牠還可以正常走路嗎?

回答 (4)

2009-08-25 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
點解咁唔小心呀......你快d 帶佢去睇醫生啦, 莫講係隻狗, 如果係你, 你當時唔得閒去睇, 過後仲痛的話你都會去照吓啦, 何況佢隻腳比你細咁多, 如果隻狗狗隻腳有骨折彧骨裂, 俾佢食消炎藥其實都冇咩大作用, 唔好拖喇, 盡快帶佢睇獸醫啦, 如果只係按佢隻腳或落地碰到才叫的話, 相信應該唔會傷得太嚴重, 會好番的, 但若果你仲拖時間唔帶佢去睇的話, 我怕到時醫好都有行路唔正常.
2009-08-26 1:07 am
The only answer we can give you is - Hurry up go to see the vet! Don't be silly you can handle it.
2009-08-25 7:13 pm
2009-08-25 9:22 am
Have to go to the vet. ( unless you are) What are you thinking? 開車壓到狗狗的腳 it is serious.

Frist have to get the dog wear a collar that stop him to licking the cut.
No, since dog jas slightly different system to us. some drug can't be use on dog.
請問牠的匍會癒合嗎? 牠還可以正常走路嗎?
Yes, If you take him to vet.

In this case, you must take him to see the vet ASAP. If the cut catch anything nasty, your dog might have to cut off the whole limb.

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