Facebook account disabled?

2009-08-24 9:54 am
wenever i try to log into my facebook it says that this account is disabled what does this mean and how do i undisble it or sumthin

回答 (7)

2009-08-24 10:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Everyday, facebook disable about 1,000 accounts.

13 Reasons your Facebook account will be disabled

Here's what we're hearing from people all over the world: Facebook is shutting down accounts of users who are exhibiting any behavior it finds remotely suspicious. As paradoxical as it sounds, "suspicious" often means just using the site too much! Sometimes they warn people and give them the chance to change their behavior, and sometimes the account termination is sudden and permanent. Most of the time the disabled accounts will be turned back on, whether automatically after a cool-down period, or after prostrating yourself to the FB authorities. But sometimes they'll lock it up and throw away the key.

Facebook remains intentionally vague about what "bad behavior" looks like, and so it's no wonder that people get confused, angry or despondent when they get the ACCOUNT DISABLED message. To help people avoid having their accounts disabled, I've listed the most common reasons why people report having their accounts abruptly turned off. Keep in mind, that this list is almost surely incomplete, and until Facebook changes their policy to embrace more transparency and two-way communication we'll have to live with a bit of uncertainty when using Facebook.

Here are the things that (supposedly) will get you kicked off Facebook:

1. You didn't use your real name
Don't try to use a nickname (or initials)in lieu of the name on your birth certificate, because Facebook will find you and spit you out.

2. You joined too many groups
Remember that the maximum limit is 200 groups per user. More than that just looks desperate, don't you think?

3. You posted too many messages on a wall or in a group
Even Guy Kawasaki had his account disabled--in his case for "excessive evangelism."

4. You posted in too many groups, too many user's walls
You may be axed for being too verbose in too many places. That's what spammers do, silly. On Facebook it is better--or at least safer--to be seen than heard.

5. You friended too many people
Not so long ago this was a prime cause of disabled accounts, but Facebook has instituted a maximum of 5000 friends that should protect you from yourself.

6. Your school/organization affiliation is doubtful
The overlords are sometimes not very trusting, and they may accuse you of not graduating from Harvard (or Plum Senior High School). The impertinence! Better have your diploma ready.

7. You're poking too many people
We've heard this from multiple sources, and it's easy enough to avoid. Save the pokes for people you *really* like, as mum always said. But beware the odd FB app that pokes on your behalf.

8. For advertising your app on wall posts
The line between spam and self-promotion is a thin one, but let it be known that pimping your shiny new Facebook app is definitely considered SPAM.

9. Using duplicate text in multiple messages
Some people paste a generic welcome message into friend requests to save time. DON'T DO THIS! It makes you look like a spammer. (Ironically, pro spammers are probably randomizing their messages to avoid this trap)

10. You are a cow, dog, or library
Being a real person is not enough, you must be a homo sapien. Accounts have been deleted for cows, dogs and libraries.

11. You are under eighteen years old
According to one report a user's account was suspended when they suspected her of being under 18. She was required to enter a work email address to prove her maturity, at which point her account was reinstated. [note: other users have pointed out that being under 18 is fine if you're part of a High School group, though underage home schoolers have been told to bugger off]

12. You wrote offensive content
Reports of "sudden death" on accounts have been reported by users who were told they had posted offensive content, but were not provided details of the offense.

13. You scraped information off Facebook
They have a zero tolerance policy for page scraping (i.e. pulling content off their web pages via a script). Unfortunately, they don't have a reliable way of proving it's you who's doing the scraping (IP matching is probably as good as they can get), so you may find this a difficult charge to defend yourself against.

Anyway, you can send a message to: [email protected] and tell your reasons.

Good luck.
2009-08-24 10:13 am
It means facebook suspended your account due to a violation. There should be an email listed there to contact them.
2016-12-15 7:09 am
Disabled Facebook Account
2016-09-28 6:18 pm
Facebook Account Disabled
2016-07-04 6:21 pm
Once your account is disable forget it. Try switching from FB.
2015-05-16 9:49 pm
they never contacted me either,they just locked me out and can t get back on,i never got the chance to delete the a pic or post
2015-05-03 3:27 am
did you send freind request to very beautiful girls?

do u know the girls? if they report you stranger request you will be killed fast in facebook

many men got disabled because, they send beautiful girls friend requests even when they really not know those girls. they not know that, send F/R to unknwon girls is already a violation of rules of SENDING F/R TO STRANGERS

they only find out, "oh this girl is hot", "this girl is cute", "that girl has big bust", "that girl shows her clevage!!!" and JUST SEND FRIEND REQUEST

the men are very foolish. they only keep sending friend request just because the girl is pretty.

normal girls would be very scared on those men's freind request. then they report those stupid men. those stupid men are still asking WHY I GOT DISABLED

if people not find out the basic cause why. it's difficult for others to help them!

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