
2009-08-25 5:22 am

佢一歲....is a girl

回答 (2)

2009-08-25 8:00 pm
2009-08-25 9:29 am
I don't know how hearvy is your dog. So I don't know how much do you need to feed.
let s say 300 grams per day. If it s possible do one meal per day, otherwise do 2 or 3 is also ok.
pick a time that suit you to feed. let say 8p.m. Put 300 grams of dry food in the bowl and let her to eat. If she is fussy, not eating within 15 minutes, take it away. Not giving anything to her until next day 8 p.m., repeating doing that, she should be started back on the dry food.
The reason why the dog refuse to eat is mostly becease SHE IS NOT HUNGRY.
when you seeing her not eating the dry food. that start to give something that more tasty. that's make her become so picky.

參考: from Burns advise

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