netbook 上網

2009-08-25 4:46 am
我剛買左 BenQ Joybook U102-SK03
window xp home, 另外買左個router
我跟光碟裝好左個router, 插好線
netbook 果面果個seals 話已同我裝左wi-fi, 同可以無線上網...
個seals 話search 就得, 但我search 唔到...
應該係邊度set d 咩, 要做D 咩

thx x 9999999

回答 (1)

2009-08-30 2:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你裝好個router後, 都要在電腦上setup,

按network and sharing centre, 再按setup connection or network,

再按set up a wireless router or access point, 按next, 在setup

small home business network, 按next, 進入另一個"windows

detected network and hardware but cannot configure it

automatically", 指按"configure this device manually", 再按next,

你進入到SSID及password, 個SSID唔好用原庄 router名稱,

你自己打另一個(作落去), 你要click [WPA]唔好 setup open,

set 好咗之後, 留意個 network and sharing centre 係咪設置

private? sharing and discovery 下面個 [ password protected

sharing ] 係咪 [ on ], 你只要在主電腦set 好咗個router 同

電腦入面個network, 你任何netbook notebook都可以用呢

個router setting, 祇要按connection佢就會顯示要打password,

打啱你個router password, 就可用你個網絡上網。

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