請專業人士幫忙!!>_<狗狗有胰臟炎 ..這個價錢合理嗎?

2009-08-25 1:50 am
我隻狗今年6歲..女仔...發病左2日...第一日有嘔同唔食野..第二日都係咁...之後就去左睇醫生...醫生就話佢有機會胰臟炎...佢嘔左有10次...有脫水既可能..之後驗血同照x光...再加埋打吊針...驗血$600..照x光$600.診金$220..住院$550+60(一天550)....總共2030....大家覺得價錢合理嗎...因為我隻狗從來無病過..我自己唔係好清楚D價錢...衣家先知狗仔睇醫生原來咁貴架....而且佢重話照x光就睇唔出有異物...但佢嘔得咁厲害...佢話怕有異物係x光照唔到...要觀察幾日睇下有無好轉...如果惡化就要用內規鏡睇...不過佢衣家個樣衣然好活潑..好有精神...我真係好希望佢會無事始終我由BB開始養到大....真係好擔心.....唔知應該點去幫佢....希望各位可以B D意見我>__<唔該""






















回答 (2)

2009-08-25 9:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
The price in not expensive anyways. HKD 2030 which is quite a good price, included all the examine. but I am not sure which blood test is your dog did. my one for blood examination is more than HKD1000.
When an engine run awhile, there would be wear and tear. 胰臟炎 could be treat. So, not to too worry.
適當既護理?what food are you feeding on your dog. more dogs trends to have problem when they eat poor quarlity food.
Keep offer a quiet place for she to recover.

2009-08-26 10:25:03 補充:
first of all, i am not 專業人士. All I know is from knowledge, hope you don't mind.

2009-08-26 10:25:35 補充:
I don't think the blood test is include heartworm. Usually, you should ask what testing before carrying out the test. Heartworm can be fatal, if found too late. Since it spead it by mosquito. Hardly can't spot any think by naked eye.

2009-08-26 10:27:19 補充:
預防針? some vets agree, but some are not. Since animals should built its own immum defence rather than by injection. ( for healthy dog)

2009-08-26 10:29:24 補充:
因為佢一年都唔出過10次街??? that s really sad to heard that. Some dogs can't bear this, and some behaviour problems start to occurs. Dogs should have its social time for a health.

2009-08-26 10:30:43 補充:
同埋每年應該要做齊D咩既預防..打齊咩既針? annuel booster, wormer, ( fleas and tick protection)

2009-08-26 10:31:42 補充:
What are you feeding your dog? It mostly like you put on a poor diet for your dog. Therefore, your dog start to become ill.

2009-08-26 10:34:52 補充:
係邊到驗心絲蟲係最平?I really don't know. Who is the cheapest. personally speaking the most important thing is wait until your dog recover then, carry out whole body scan + all the tests. Since your dog is a bit young to suffer 胰臟炎.

2009-08-27 06:35:59 補充:
If your dog has been recently or mildly infected with heartworms, it may show no signs of illness until the adult worms have developed in the lungs and signs of heartworm disease are observed.

2009-08-27 06:36:35 補充:
As the disease progresses, your dog may cough, become lethargic, lose its appetite or have difficulty breathing. You may notice that your dog seems to tire rapidly after only moderate exercise.

2009-08-27 06:37:06 補充:
Numerous diagnostic tests are available for your veterinarian to detect the presence of adult heartworm infection (> 6 month old infections) in your dog. Antigen tests detect the presence of adult female heartworms, and antibody tests determine if your pet has been exposed to heartworms.

2009-08-27 06:37:56 補充:
The antigen test is most commonly performed, and is very accurate in dogs. Further tests, such as chest radiographs (x-rays), a blood profile and an echocardiogram (an ultrasound of the heart),

2009-08-27 06:38:10 補充:
may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis, to evaluate the severity of the disease, and to determine the best treatment plan for your dog.

2009-08-27 06:38:28 補充:

2009-08-27 06:40:55 補充:
Hill's is not a good pet food. They are selling the brand rather than the food. Have a look to the http://www28.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=1112197

2009-08-27 20:54:53 補充:
過大便就較黑? just a little bit or really dark?

2009-08-27 20:56:18 補充:
but in general speaking, the dog is recovering. Not to worry too much, since she eat well, sleep well, that s good. just a bit worry me is the poo colour.

2009-08-28 00:27:58 補充:
黑大便 means several things. 黑大便 occurs when diet is high in iron. Also, food could change the colur of the poo. e.g. colouring is used massive in diet.
Other possibleilty is the bleeding in the gut.

2009-08-29 02:26:20 補充:
照佢衣家既情況黎睇佢有無機會有心絲蟲架?don't know, have to carry out test. when you relisease your dog have problems, it would be the 3rd phase of the heartworm. operations is needed. Since heartworm is spead by mosqtoise.

2009-08-29 02:26:52 補充:
which hardly can be notice
2009-08-26 11:56 am

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