I am back哩句個back不用加-ing?

2009-08-24 9:04 pm
I am back.
哩一個am係verb to be
點解back跟係佢後面都唔洗+ ing呢?

I am make
I am do
I am back.

回答 (4)

2009-08-24 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
就如同I AM DONE一樣
2009-08-29 2:05 pm
Hi, cos' "back" is not a verb in this sentence. In this sentence "I" is noun, "am" is verb.
so ... just "I am back" is ok.
for ur another examples, "make" and "do" is a verb, so you have to write as ... "I am making" and "I am doing".
參考: living in usa
2009-08-25 12:32 am
Back is adverb hear, not a verb.
You can't say "I am do."But you can say "I am done."
Hear"done" is a verb but this kind of sentences are called "the passive voice".For example "It is called apple." We use the passive voice because the apple will not call itself.
參考: me
2009-08-24 10:08 pm
back here is an adverb.

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