15 Years Old Cat have eczema.

2009-08-24 12:00 pm
my old cat have eczema around the neck, ear, chest & little at the
back. Bath with skin solution several times its OK but few weeks later the eczema return again. any other method? Stop eat can food is it
helpful to the eczema?

回答 (2)

2009-08-25 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
獸醫說如果貓偶有軟便/貓屎有潺(粘液附在屎表面)甚至有血,不正常甩毛 ,就是食物不適合貓, 要即刻轉糧, 就無事了 .
吃了含穀物的貓糧, 貓的大便就會勁臭 ,原因係糧裡面的殼物令貓消化不了也吸收不到。
貓不應吃五穀 http://www.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=10249892&extra=page%3D1
轉吃 無穀物貓糧 http://www.grainfree.com.hk/index.htm
http://www.hkcats.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=68246 http://www.hkcats.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=68654
貓貓每日所需水量(內有寵物飲水機資訊) http://www.hkcats.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=25251
使貓咪多喝水的小祕訣 http://blog.sina.com.tw/inasia/article.php?pbgid=53412&entryid=583653
提提你:天然糧因無化學防腐劑 ,所以更要小心保存以防潮濕
存放 乾糧 / 濕糧 的方法 http://www.hkcats.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=50794&start=0
有養敏感寵物的家居可用 Sun&Sun 防敏消毒劑 http://www.sunandsun.com.hk/
梳化/貓床要用天然物料製 (綿布)
貓砂要用低塵的 , 最好轉用紙砂 , 而且是[活性碳紙貓砂] , 活性碳紙貓砂 在 yahoo 拍賣網 http://hk.auctions.yahoo.com/hk 有售
不能用染色麻繩磨爪物. 用呢類瓦通紙磨爪板, 屋企張梳化有救 http://www.hkcats.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=1230749#1230749
瓦通紙磨爪板 在 吉之島10元廣場 http://www.jusco.com.hk/chi/10_plaza/ 或寵物店有售.
宜家傢俬IKEA有綿布藝梳化,其梳化套可分拆清洗 http://www.ikea.com.hk/chi/locator/locator.html
我家用IKEA 的 LYCKSELE sofe-bed 梳化床(綿米白色套)不沾毛的, 個樣係 http://www.allhabit.com/thread-42433-1-1.html
拍賣網 用 {梳化套} 搜尋 http://hk.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/
2009-08-25 4:54 am
Try using the Azmira Rejuva spray or gel to apply on the affected skin surface, it can help eliminate the eczema. Some skin supplement, like omega 3 also help improve the skin problem, you can take a look of the following website:
Old animals have unstable immune system and this will also attribute to skin problem, try giving your cat some supplement which can help boost immune system.

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