How to read "mobile"?

2009-08-23 6:39 pm
How to read "mobile"?

Do we read it as "mo-bo" or "mo-by-oh"

回答 (5)

2009-08-23 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you are misinterpreting a sound you hear.

The most common meaning of "able to move" is pronounced "mo-bull" (in the US) as somebody said. It isn't "bo". There is an "l" sound in there. This is the same sound as the "ble" sound on many English words (noble, able, notable, teachable).

In the UK, I think this is pronounced "mo-byle" with a long "i". I think that's what you're interpreting as "mo-by-oh", but there is an "l" sound in there again that you are missing.

There is another meaning for a kind of balanced sculpture, such as the work of Alexander Calder.

This is pronounced "mo-beel". Again, there is an "l" sound at the end there.
2017-01-21 8:22 pm
I man or woman might have had to the two been in a coma for previous 5 years or in the nicely suited's echo chamber to no longer observe that conservatives have tried to color Obama has some thing foreign places and unAmerican, and his ethnic historical past has been had to that attempt. that's no longer basically some thing that Chris Mathews has commented approximately. different individuals, like Colin Powell have commented on it to boot. that's what Mathews became into alluding to in his comments. yet as constantly, instead of objectively interpreting his comments to attempt and comprehend why he stated what he stated and if there would desire to be any validity to it, the nicely suited brushed aside it out of hand and became it into yet yet another Obama / left bashing speaking factor. This crap is unquestionably getting tiring.
2009-08-24 4:39 am
I think that the word is pronounced mo bile
參考: yahoo
2009-08-23 6:50 pm
Moe . Bull.
2009-08-23 6:48 pm
Im not sure i understand, are you asking how to pronounce it?If so you can say either "Moh-bii-ole" or "Moh-bill"

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