Applied Maths - Mechanics 60

2009-08-24 4:17 am
A particle of mass M is fixed to the centre of a uniform rigid rod AB of mass m and length 2l, suspended from the ceiling by two vertical light springs attached to its ends. The springs have force-constants k1 and k2 (tension being equal to force-constant times extension). Initially the system is in equilibrium with the rod AB horizontal. The centre of the rod is then displaced slightly in the vertical direction and the system subsequently performs small oscillations under gravity.

(a) Set up equations describing the motion relative to the centre of mass of the system and the motion of the centre of mass. You may assume that, for small oscillations, the springs remain vertical.

(b) Supposing that AB is a light rigid rod, i.e. m= 0, show that the motion of the particle of mass M is simple harmonic and that its period is

pi [ (Mk1 + Mk2) / (k1 k2) ]^0.5 .

回答 (1)

2009-08-24 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Define the positive direction as downwards and anti-clockwise. The spring k1 is at the left.
Let the original length of the springs be h1 and h2 respectively.
At equilibrium, let the length of both string be L so that the tensions in the spring just cancel the weights of the objects (M + m)g. In other words k1(L – h1) + k2(L – h2) = (M + m)g … (1)
Also at equilibrium, there is no net torque in the system, k1(L – h1) = k2(L – h2) … (2)
Let the position of the centre of the rod be x' from the ceiling.
Let the position of A be y and the position of B be z, also from the ceiling.
Let the angle of the rod to the horizontal be θ.
Equation of motion for the centre of mass is
(M + m)d2x'/dt2 = – k1(y' – h1) – k2(z' – h2) + (M + m)g
k1(y' – h1) + k2(z' – h2)
= k1(y' – L + L – h1) + k2(z' – L + L – h2)
= k1(y' – L) + k2(z' – L) + k1(L – h1) + k2(L – h2)
= k1(y' – L) + k2(z' – L) + (M + m)g (Refers to 1)
(M + m)d2x'/dt2 = – k1(y' – L) – k2(z' – L)
Geometry equation, x' = (y' + z')/2
Motion about the centre of mass
Id2θ/dt2 = k2(z' – h2)l – k1(y' – h1)l
= k2(z' – L + L – h2)l – k1(y' – L + L – h1)l
= k2(z' – L)l – k1(y' – L)l (Refers to 2)
By shifting the reference position from the ceiling to the equilibrium position, the equation can be rewritten as:
(M + m)d2x/dt2 = – k1y – k2z... (3)
x = (y + z)/2 … (4)
Id2θ/dt2 = k2lz – k1ly … (5)
When m = 0, then I = 0
(5) reduces to k2z = k1y
(3) becomes Md2x/dt2 = – 2k1y … (6)
(4) becomes x = (y + k1y/k2)/2
y = 2k2x/(k1 + k2)
Sub into (6), d2x/dt2 + 4k1k2x/[M(k1 + k2)] = 0 => SHM
2π / T = √{4k1k2/[M(k1 + k2)]}
T = 2π√[(Mk1 + Mk2) / (4k1k2)]
T = π√[(Mk1 + Mk2) / (k1k2)]

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