
2009-08-24 1:57 am
X'mas & New Year - Melbourne & Sdyney driving trip請問可以點PLAN呀...
mel city, great ocean rd, brighton beach, geelong, canbarra, blue mountian, blue mountian 鐘乳石洞(如時間不可會取消), hunter villy, bondi bch, sdy city, if可以加woolongong


回答 (3)

2009-08-30 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
去前最好 check 清楚有咩唔會開, 因為25 同26 號係公眾假期, 有好多店都唔會開, 聖誕節好多地方成條街都冇人. 所以有好多地方你一定要check清楚..

24/12 : melbourne city 行 (因為店都會open), 同埋去晒 d 博物館, 有一個監獄博物館 (old melbourne gaol), 係 city 最好唔好揸車, 因為搵 PARKING 都浪費o左好多時間, 佢地有免費電車 (red colour)可以坐, 任上任落, 仲要 stop 晒 mel city 全部景點.
25/12: 可以去 great ocean road , 不過 visitor centre 一定唔會開, 但都可以入去睇, 只不過你去唔到 visitor centre 買野問野.
26/12 起程去 canbarra, 都要 10 個鐘車程, 去到可以住 d caravan park 或 motel.
27/12: 去晒 d 博物館..揸車經過 woolongong, 但沒有特別野睇, 可以直到 sydney. 大約要 2 個小時車程. 可以係 city 走走
28/12: blue mountain 一日遊, 都可以睇埋鐘乳石
29/12: hunter valley (喜歡品嚐紅酒既旅客), port stephen (沙漠)
30/12: 可以去 zoo , 睇樹熊, 坐船可經過 harbour bridge , opera house,
31/12: bondi beach, shopping, 出番 central 行街, 夜晚到 harbour bridge 倒數,
1/1 : back to HK
參考: live in Australia
2009-08-25 7:06 pm
Thx...but see Penguin, i will go to st kilda, because is free.....
than 2 days mel city, 1 day great ocean rd, 2 days canberra, 3 days syd...
is it ok? because i wanne book accommadtion now..
2009-08-25 7:13 am
I would plan

3/4 days in Melbourne
One day - Great Ocean Road
One day - Penguin/Philip island
One day - Melbourne

It takes 6 - 7 hours to Canberra

2 days 1 night in Canberra
A rest if you would like or you can stay there one day and drive directly to Sydney (its up to you) depends how many people drive

Its not recommended to drive in long trip at night time in country road.

3 hours to Sydney

Rest in Sydney

One day - hunter villey for wine tasty
One day - get around Sydney like bondi beach, fish market
If you like seafood, it is highly recommended.
One day - Blue mountains

Make sure you don't miss the firework - it is worth it to stay in a harbour view hotel if you don't want so packed with million people on the street that day

http://www.whereis.com/ - Australia map helps you calculate driving hours

If this is not enough, I can tell you more details.

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