Emphasis [In no way,...]

2009-08-23 6:59 pm
can be written as
"Smoking is in no way allowed".
And we know that the inversion of it is
"In no way is smoking allowed".

Now how about the inversion of
"Johnny in no way lies"?
[ N. ] [ Adv. ] [V.]

回答 (3)

2009-08-24 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好,我知道 Smoking is in no way allowed. 是正确的,但是我并不知道 In no way is smoking allowed. 这样的结构是否有错,可能它是比较深一层或高级的语法来的。
所以,如果你真的想把 Johnny in no way lies. 转变成另一种结构,我会写成 In no way does Johnny lie. 咯,不过我觉得它应该是错多过对的啦,哈哈哈。。。
希望你的疑问可以有人解决到咯。。。: )
2009-08-24 3:27 am
我認為in no way 可當adv咁用。即是可放verb前或後、句頭及句尾。
第一句:可以Smoking is in no way allowed.或Smoking is not allowed in no way.
第二句可 : John does not tell lie in no way.
2009-08-24 1:03 am
Here is my answer:

In no way does Johnny lie.

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