
2009-08-23 6:57 am
有一條1m長直徑0.5mm的銅線垂直切斷一個磁場, 該磁場的磁通密度是20nT, 速度是每秒鐘1m, 請問電流值是多少?

該銅線當然是一個完整電路的一部份, 否則問題便亳無意義...

回答 (2)

2009-08-23 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

感應電動勢,ε = -dΦ/dt = -BdA/dt



dA/dt =(1)(1) = 1 m2s-1

所以,ε = -(20 X 10-6)(1) =20 nV

銅的電阻率,ρ = 1.72 X 10-8 Ωm

根據R = ρL / A

電阻,R = (1.72 X 10-8)(1)/ π(0.5 X 10-3/2)2 = 0.0876 Ω

所以感應電流值,I = ε / R = (20 X 10-6)/ 0.0876 = 2.28 X 10-4 A
參考: Physics king
2009-08-23 8:13 am
If there is a copper wire alone, there would not be a complete circuit. No current will be flowing though there is an induced emf.

2009-08-23 10:28:42 補充:
You can't assume that it is a complete circuit if that is not given in the question. In case it has been given, why not spell it out clearly? This saves the time of letting readers to guess.

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