美國留學問題 (最便宜)

2009-08-22 8:35 pm
上年我去左加拿大讀書 , 玩左一年. 哂左屋企人40幾萬.
我今年17歲 . grade10未讀完 . (f.4)
因為係加拿大讀公校既時候我比人踢左 .
之後入私校我又無番學, 我以經浪費左一年既時間.我唔想再浪費時間.

不過我成績差 唔知再可以讀邊一到?

同埋我想知美國既 製度係點.

同埋我想讀電腦game設計, 以後想入d game既公司做.
但我專長係音樂 (小提琴)


回答 (4)

2009-08-22 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
中 4 未讀完,美國無一間 college 收,中 5 未讀完都不收

2009-08-24 09:37:38 補充:
If you really want to continue your education, complete your F6 education no matter where.

After completing F6, if you do well (or at least average), you may apply for community colleges in US.

There is no shame to study in CCs. If you do well, there is no problem to transfer bigger universities.
2009-08-31 4:43 am
成績唔好唔緊要, 只要你想讀, 我都可以幫到你。

email 比我啦[email protected]

2009-08-25 7:15 am
我表弟都係在美國既政府college讀中學的. 我相信呢個係最平既方法. 因為香港人吾係持有美國護照的係吾可以讀政中學的. 而私立就好貴, 如果你想以最平既方式去完成中學課程, 最好係去政府既community college 讀high school 課程, 係最平, 最有效既方法.
希望以上意見幫到你, 如有問題可以email我[email protected] 大家交流下啦.
參考: myself + 朋友
2009-08-23 5:44 am
that is not the way you wish, you want, you think then things will come to you.....
1.) it seems like your family still ok to spend money on you..... so i suggest you back to Canada to finish your high school. without that, you are going no where.
2.) you had experienced HK education for last 10 years and you can not fit in the Canada school....? that means either you have language problem or you don't like school study at all. in this case, i suggest you stay in HK or just quit the school and find jobs.

college in US are out of choice to you. most college here required 80+ HS GPA with 1200+ SAT score.

參考: live in US

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