
2009-08-21 10:12 pm
我form2 升 form3 今年
form 幾去外國最好???
人地話form4 去最好
咁form 5 form 6 去有咩影響???

想去英國讀書 但唔知點入手.......<---幫幫忙 唔知點做好

回答 (3)

2009-08-22 5:30 pm
To answer 002. Not agree with your answer 2. There are some college still offer 1 year GCSE. That's mean the questioner can go to take 1 year GCSE after he Form4 school year.
After Form 5 exam (HKCEE), colleges will read your HKCEE report. If you didn't do well. you might not able to get into a top college.
However, It would be easier for A-level in UK. Becasue the gap between GCSE and A-level in UK is big. Many home ( UK) students found that as a problem.
If you are going there at Form6. Most colleges are not accept. Becasue they would think you don't have enough time to perpare A-level ( which is 2 years course nationwide)
Depends on your family support as well, if possible the earliset would be better.

2009-08-22 5:01 am
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 個人覺得呢. f.4去會好一d, 因為呢, 去到就可以prepare gcse, 咁考完2年, 就可以升上去了, 同埋呢, 因為你係hk 讀左f.3, 咁gcse 係比hkcee果一d public exam 易少少既, 咁呢, 你f.4先過去讀, 會比較relax一d既... 咁呢, 而屋企亦都可以save 番一年既錢了... 咁呢, 如果你f.3過去的話, 即係黎緊啦, 就會搵唔到學校, 因為太急了, 好多都會full 哂, 而如果呢, 你而家去搵定學校for 下一年entry的話, 咁會有多一d choice 既..."

2) 如果f.5去的話, 因為英國考緊gcse, 係唔可以插入去既, 即係好似以前hk咁, 你中4係唔可以轉校一樣既....所以去到呢,要讀一年既foundation讀哂個gcse 既... 咁會好辛苦, 而因為hk變左334呢, 又冇左個ce呢, 咁變左如果你f.6先去的話, apply大學冇左個gcse 會冇咁好既, 不過呢, 同屋企人discuss 下先啦, 因為去英國都要幾多錢的..." 如果佢地係ok的話, 咁f.4會好d既=]

3) 想去英國讀書, 你可以去搵一個agent 先, 俾d 成績佢地睇, 咁佢地就可以幫你搵學校了:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2009-08-22 12:51 am
最好升form4 去, 早d熟習英式教學, 去英國讀多兩年就可以考
GCSE , then 就可以再讀 A-level 嘞.....跟住直接係英國入U....咪幾好 ......

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