company of heroes:TOV

2009-08-21 7:27 am
i want to ask why i update the patch,
but when i login,
it say put the disk in,
and i put it.
but it say me is offline.
i try to login but still cant login
(plz say chinese)

回答 (1)

2009-08-21 7:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實TOV是否Tales of valor?

首先你要停用網路連線或者拔掉你電腦後面果條發緊光既 再試一試 睇下log 唔 log in到 除非你想玩連線 一拔左好難先玩得番
如果仲係唔得 你補題 我會嘗試幫下你
參考: 自己

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