上年用BNO伸請的student visa到今年10月31日先到期:
用否從新做過一個student visa? 可否到左UK先在當地做/續簽證?
我依家在HK排期簽證排到9月8日, 最late要9月25日飛機, 趕唔趕得切做?
如果趕唔到做一個新的visa, 仲入唔入到境?
在英國要去哪裡做簽證? 要否on line make an appointment? 用BNO伸請之fee 在當地為幾多?
Thank you for your detailed answer! Does it mean that as a BNO holder, I can get in the UK temporary so that I could apply a new student visa there?
I seems that there's no way for me to get a new visa in HK, do I need to make an appointment first before the application, just like in HK? If so, could I make an appointment now in HK? Any online booking? I really feel anxious about my student matter.