How you think?

2009-08-20 10:44 pm
All your hate are come from outside, all your love are come from inside.

回答 (4)

2009-08-22 6:07 am
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可惡的人, 對我多不好, 我還是有可能去繼續愛的.
對我好的人, 我還是可以去嫌惡的.
看到人有感人的愛, 感動的一刻, 我心就充滿美麗的愛.
看到卑鄙的事, 我心生嫌惡, 那屬怒恨.
但人是有自由意志的, 讓環境發動愛恨亦其實是自己首肯的.
記得有個美國仔在伊拉克被人無辜捉了斬頭嗎? 慘痛如此, 他父母去恨, 甚至是毒恨, 亦該是理所當然吧? 他的父母很傷心, 但他們沒去恨. 他們說, 那些極端份子是誤會了, 他們殺的不是敵人, 我的兒子是他們的朋友. 我亦不讚成要為此報復. 我不讚成我國發動戰爭.
如果恨是來自外的, 這對父母是沒能力說這番話的.
外在的事只是作為個激發因素. 恨和愛都來自內心, 心中有愛, 人心便強, 有能力寬恕, 關懷. 恨不會太多, 不會太久.
愛得越小, 心便弱, 容易覺自己是環境的受害者, 然後怨恨.
all my love and all my hatred, they come from my heart. i'm the one who responsible for my own life and feeling. i'm my master and my slave.
2009-08-22 5:52 pm
Hatred and love which are circled at no ending at no joint line of course you do not know the start point, are niether come from outside nor inside. Hatred could come from inside as well love could come from inside too.
2009-08-20 11:09 pm
My opinion:

Hate is triggered by external reasons (your 'outside'). Maybe you lost ina lucky draw, and you hate the person who operated the system. Or maybe you were injured in a car crash, and you hate the person who caused it. Therefore, hate comes from the outside.

As for love, it can come from both outside and inside. Think of parents who raise their children. The child receives love from outside and the parents give love from their inside.

Love can overcome hate! Because of this, we should love from the inside and overcome the hate that might be aroused from around us.

Hope this helps!
參考: Me ^ ^
2009-08-20 10:51 pm
you meed the same time two kind of people are coming?I will so surprised and I will running off , if no they will kill me-.-

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