
2009-08-20 9:19 pm

回答 (5)

2009-08-20 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你唔出現, 人地就知你唔想返.......
但有禮貌, 有交帶d的話, 只要返工前致電通知他們便可~
返咗工頭一個月, 你都可以即日話辭就走, 何況你未返工~!
2009-08-21 9:26 am
如果不滿意薪金, 有得商量, 聯絡 9232 -0740 人事部陳生
2009-08-21 2:04 am
你係返part time?如果你真係決定唔返的話就早d通知人地,交帶一聲一點都不困難,同時對人地的不便亦比較輕,對方知你唔做唔會鬧你迫你既,出來做野起碼要有最基本的責任感。相反,到你開工個日先放人地飛機,搞到人地失預算到時想唔憎你都唔得啦。
2009-08-20 10:25 pm
如果你真係決定唔返d份工, 你最好早1-2日通知人地, 人地問你原因時, 你可以老實答覺得唔適合, 或者求其話搵到另一份工囉, 總言之預早通知人地係禮貎, 不過日後想食回頭草可能有難度喇!
2009-08-20 9:36 pm
I have never tried interviewing for a job, then immediately turning the offer down.

But people getting a job offer but not being able to attend it should be quite common. For example, if someone is applying for a full-time job at 10 different places at the same time, and got into 2 of them, then he would obviously have to turn one of the offer down.

So it should be okay if you just tell them you can no longer wish t take up the job offer. You can tell them whatever reasons you like, but it is not good to simply not show up without informing them and "vanish". Even though you may not want to work there now, you never know whether there will be some day in the future when you have to, so you don't want to leave a bad impression.

Also, it is just good character to be responsible and let those who are expecting you to be there know that you are no longer available. For all you know, the job that you think is just horrible maybe just exactly what someone else need. So tell them you are not taking up the offer, and let someone else get the position instead.

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