幫忙翻譯一下 格言

2009-08-20 8:07 am
天不從人願 請幫我翻英文 寫文章要用到 拜託囉

回答 (8)

2009-08-20 9:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
這裡的天, 不是真正的天, 就好像是 "老天有眼" "The God finally speak out for himself." 不能翻成 "Old heaven has eyes.", 這裡的天應該是 "God"
God does not abide by the wishes of people.

2009-08-20 9:49 pm
The day does not hope from the human
2009-08-20 6:08 pm
火 你可以用網路辭典先翻譯
2009-08-20 9:28 am
God won't follow what people wish.


參考: 自己
2009-08-20 9:07 am
2009-08-20 8:13 am
Heaven does not abide by the wishes of people
參考: !!
2009-08-20 8:12 am
Heaven does not abide by the wishes of people
參考: wiktionary
2009-08-20 8:10 am
Heaven does not abide by the wishes of people.
參考: 知識家

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