
2009-08-19 7:36 pm

-“何時/如何 更換鳥籠 裡&外 的東西? (我只知每天更換裡面的東西)
-可以放牠出來飛? {我怕牠會逃走}
-牠們壽命有 7-10年嗎?
-牠會喝水嗎? {我只見牠用水來洗澡}
-承接上題,牠們不會渴死嗎? {牠們喝的是什麼水?}
-怎樣幫牠洗澡? {我怕牠們會冷到感冒}

-據我所知,要用布包住鳥籠的一部分 & 用燈照射,還要做些什麼?

我該放牠在那兒? {我怕牠會中暑}

回答 (1)

2009-08-20 12:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I haven't kept birds for a long time but I believe that a simple good quality cage is about HK$100. You can ask for used old cage that would be cheaper or you can buy a bamboo cage that is for those retailers use to keep the birds/or for bathing only (HK$30).
2.雀粟 you can buy HK$20 - I guess well enough for a month's feeding. Remember to tell the bird shop that it is for 相思鳥.
3. Price quite depends it is a male or female. Old or young, tame or wild.
4. Buy three cups - one for feed, two for water. Change water everyday. The way of changing water, you can ask the bird shop to show you.
Birds need clear water - don't have to boil but it is better to use filtered water.
5. Birds can bath themselves. You don't have to worry this moment. Later, if you really love to keep birds, buy a bathing cage.
6. Their life should be a few years. If you really want to let it fly out of the cage, just do it after you have closed all windows and doors.
7. HK is very warm and 相思鳥 don't 冬眠. The white cage cover is used for keeping the bird calm - avoid the nuisance from noise, light or strong wind...
8. You are very considerate for 我怕牠會中暑, never place the cage under the direct sunlight. Just place the cage near the window with no strong wind, rain and direct sunlight.
9I don't think 燈照射 is necessary - beware of overheating!
10. 相思鳥 is very lovely. If you have enough patience and time to build up friendship, it will let you touch its fur (of course, you must be gentle) and stand on your finger. BUT IT TAKES TIME AND ONLY WHEN THE BIRD IS YOUNG.
11. Visit the Birds' Street (near Fa Hui), there are a lot of bird shops, and bird lovers. Go and talk to them. Most of them are very friendly and like to share their experience with you.
參考: I keep birds when I was young.

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