Letters of Thanks `唔該幫手

2009-08-19 6:31 pm
When writing,you should:
*express enthusiasm
*be sincere
*be specific

Your Principal has recently bought some English story books for the school.You now write a letter to your Principal,Mr.Lee,to show your gratitude.You may also explain why the books are useful and important to you and your schoolmates.Sign your letter,Chris.Make up your own address.

*The following questions may help you:
1.Who are you writing to?
2.What is your purpose of writing?
3.why are the books important?
4.How can the books help you and your schoolmates learn?
5.Are there any benefits?

please help me-[]-

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2009-08-20 2:12 am
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Dear Mr. Lee,

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to your kindness. The books are very suitable for us. They are very important to us as we need to read more to widen our horizons. The books really help us a lot besides the knowledge on text books. We can learn more about English literature when we read them. Also, they let us know the things happening around us. We, students do not know how to thank you in a serious way but this short letter, to show our thankfulness and sincere to you.

Yours faithfully/ sincerely,
Chris (signature)
Chris (write your name)
19 th August, 2009

2009-08-19 18:13:48 補充:
sorry I have missed out the 祝頌語

you can use'' God bless you ''
參考: ME, ME

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