Why are the Philadelphia Phillies and Eagles the best teams in the USA?

2009-08-19 2:04 am
Philly 1

回答 (7)

2009-08-19 2:26 am
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I think the better question is this: Why are Philly sports fans the biggest fairweather scumbags on the planet? Why do they boo an icon like NcNabb who brought the Eagles to national prominence whenever he has a bad game? Why do these scumbag jerkoffs throw batteries at players on the field? Why do these dirtbags wear their scuminess like a badge of honor? How could the city of Philly which has a murder rate higher than Baghdad deserve a sports team? Why don't you and all the other red headed step children in that filth hole of a city do the rest of the country a favor and sink into the ocean. It sure would make the state of PA smell a lot better you guido douchebag.
2009-08-19 2:12 am
Ok, maybe I'll give you the Phillies; they are the defending champs. But the Eagles? Now that just makes me laugh!!
2009-08-19 4:27 am
Why have you not been chemically castrated?
2009-08-19 2:14 am
I have no respect for a franchise that signed Michael Animal Killer Vick to their team. Phillies fans are scum and deserve to die.
2009-08-19 2:34 am
Because the Phillies had won the World Series in 2008, but the Eagles didn't win the NFL playoffs in 2009.
2009-08-19 2:16 am
i think you got best mixed up with worst for the eagles. they just signed vick. phillies i see but yankees fan will disagree oviosuly cause they have 26 championships. not a fan but phillies are a very good team and so are the cardinals and yankees.
2009-08-19 2:09 am

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