Which mathematical theorem has been proved at most?

2009-08-18 11:38 am
Which mathematical theorem has been proved at most?

Thanks guys.

回答 (5)

2009-08-18 12:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In mathematics, theorems with multiple proofs are rare - the vast majority have only one (after all, one is all you need).
Pythagoras' Theorem wins - it has over 300 (three hundred) different proofs.
2009-08-18 6:48 pm
It is the pythagoras theorem
參考: my own knowledge
2009-08-18 6:48 pm
phythagoras theoram
2009-08-18 6:43 pm
I think, pretty certainly, Pyhthagarus Thereom. There are AT LEAST three seperate proofs, possible many more...Maybe the cosine rule as well.
2009-08-18 6:42 pm

at most what?

Your question makes no sense.

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